Thursday, August 5, 2010

9 weeks (almost!)

We were originally in the Midwifery unit to get our ultrasound, but the Midwife said my uterus is tipped and her machine couldn't get a good picture. Radiology got us in later in the afternoon to see if they could find him, as their equipment is much nicer and up-to-date. She was able to find him right away. I wasn't looking at the screen of the monitor since I was discouraged from the situation with our Midwife earlier and was under the impression that this nurse was going to have more trouble; but I looked over at Nathan's face and he had a huge grin with eyes glued on the screen. Sure enough, the little guy was there. His heart was moving so quickly - like what you'd picture a hummingbird's heart would be like. Our nurse was nice enough to provide us with an ultrasound photo this early in the pregnancy. You can tell she didn't really want to, but I'm so glad she did. And we had it confirmed; our due date is March 11, 2011!

7 weeks

I am going to start making these little pictures for baby every week or so and compile them into a book for after s/he is born. They'll differ between paintings made on MS Paint, ultrasounds, and photos of my belly.


We're pregnant and excited - this blog is for friends and family to stay up to date on the happenings of our new little resident.